Macono Orthodontics & Dental Laboratories -

All Sports Mouthguards

We estimate that of the thousands of mouthguards made each year in Australia, only a small number are made by dental professionals. This trend is changing due to the reported injuries to teeth and jaws occurring because sportspeople still wear the inferior “boil and bite” mouthguards purchased from stores.

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The Features & Benefits Of Macono Orthodontics & Dental Laboratories – All Sports Mouthguard 

All Sports Mouthguards are custom-made laminated mouthguards that offer the following advantages over to the mouthguards types:

Greater Protection & Comfort

All Sports Mouthguards offer more excellent protection, cushioning any blow and distributing the force of the impact around the guard. The ‘boil & bite’ types do not provide an exact fit and create a greater possibility of dental damage. Our custom-fitted mouthguards don’t move around in the mouth, offering a high comfort level.

Clear Speech

When bulky mouthguards are worn, your athlete’s oxygen intake is restricted, reducing their oxygen supply, which in turn reduces performance.

Our laminating process compresses layers of impact absorbing material into our mouthguards, reducing the risk of:

  1. Jaw fracture and dislocation
  2. Tooth loss and
  3. Chipping
  4. Concussion
  5. Gagging

All Sports Mouthguard Types & Colours

The Types Of All Sports Mouthguard We Have Are:

Junior: Low impact sports and children with mixed dentition

Senior: Used for most sporting activities

Heavy: Martial arts, boxing and competition sports and high levels

Extra Heavy: All sports involving sticks and rackets and heavier contact sports

Colored Mouthguards — Sydney, NSW — Macono Orthodontic & Dental Laboratories

The Types Of All Sports Mouthguard Colour We Have Are:

Colours may be mixed to match your team colours. Your name and phone number will be placed within the mouthguard, and you will receive a container for safekeeping.

Call us today on 02 9968 1910 to find out more!

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